Get Your Carpets & Padding Re-Installed After Water Damage
Many water damage companies DO NOT handle putting your carpets back together after a flood mitigation service has been completed. Often, they cut and rip carpet indiscriminately leaving the repairs to others. Carpets can often be re-installed rather than buying new carpet for that area which costs much more.
After water damage in your home, two major things are considered before your carpet and padding can be re-installed:
First step is to make sure the carpet and flooring is completely dry to prevent mold and mildew issues
Second step is to determine of what type of pad is needed (thickness and density) to insure a proper replacement
We are committed to getting your carpet back to it’s original state, before the damage occurred.
Our service include all or some of the services below as needed:
Pad Replacement
Tack Strip Replacement if Rotted or Weakened by Water Damage
Re-installation of Carpet (Stretching and re-tack)
Carpet Cleaning
Replacing your carpeting may run you into thousands of dollars with respect to the area of carpeting that must be changed. We can help you save money? Did you know to replace 500 square feet of carpet may cost you anywhere between $1,600- $2,100? This is just a rough ballpark figure and the price can be higher depending on the type of carpet and padding.
Often We Can Cut These Costs In Half!
How is that possible? The answer rests with our business philosophy. We believe that it is better to repair your carpets if possible, rather than to replace it. Let Flying Carpet Cleaners save you money with expert re-installation. Call us now!
To get a FREE estimate, simply fill out the boxes below with a brief message on what service you need and the best way to reach you. We will respond within 24 hours. Your business is very important to us.